We had a very good day at Petsmart!

This is Gracie! Her new family looked at several dogs and decided Gracie was the right dog for them! Gracie will live with 2 cats and will have a great home!

This is Blue! He will be the only dog in his new home and stay inside! His new owners left with shampoo and a brush to take him home for a bath today! They fell in love with him when the saw him! He was happy to go home with his new family!

These are 3 kittens named Beaux, Margeaux and Henry! They all went to the same home! They had a cat before and did not want to separate the kittens! All 3 will be indoors! They were excited to take their new kittens home!

This is Panda! This mom and son saw Panda online yesterday. They drove by Petsmart and saw Panda outside walking and came in to meet him! Panda will be an only dog and he will be spoiled! They bought him a new bed and let Panda pick out his toy! Panda picked a rope toy! He will have a great life in his new home!

This is Loui! This family adopted another dog that is a chihuahua mix and about the same age and they wanted a buddy for their dog! They did not want their dog to be lonely! They fell in love with Loui too!

This is Paxton! The whole family fell in love with him! The kids were excited to bring a new puppy home!

This is Angel! The adopter had a dog that passed away years ago. He would play with and walk his neighbors lab mix. His neighbors were in Petsmart and saw Angel. They told him about angel so he came into meet Angel and took her home!
We also adopted Splotch, one of Keli’s kittens from the cat room too!